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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Digital Home Wall Decor for Easter Season

March 17, 2016

P R E S S   R E L E A S E
For Immediate Distribution

EASTER Home Wall Decor from Gallery Delany
Contemporary Digital Design for the Season

Gallery Delany is a New England based, on on-line art gallery featuring contemporary examples of graphic design, typographic, photographic expression and fine art prints digitally produced, on-demand. Peruse this Easter Season a variety of graphic design solutions for your walls that are timely, typographic expressions of the Bible, both Old and New Testament.


From John 3:16, a lovely arrangement of typographic letterforms expressing one of the most popular of all the verses in scripture. 

This image is square in format, oversized at 17” square, unmatted and unframed. Both are options. Each print utilizes pH neutral pigments and paper, and is of archival quality. A stunning work for Easter.

A verse for the season, from John 3:16, in the New Testament.

And from Luke 22:19, a wonderful verse apropos Holy Week, just ahead.

“I am often moved to try to capture what is going on in one small manner of expression, or another,” the artist confides.” This may mean a poster, a painting, a typographic print, a new verse...whatever comes into my head. It is often an exhilarating process. I am thankful for it.”

Allow 5-10 days to receive your new home decor. Please feel free to post this release to your web and social media sites,  http://www.gallerydelany.com

Find Gallery Delany on-line:
eMail: gallerydelany@gmail.com